Love Poem: Agreeing To Disagree
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Written by: Regina Mcintosh

Agreeing To Disagree

He taunted me with hope
When there was no hope for us.
We were past, the past
Gone from today and tomorrow,
Boldy planted in the memories who haunted
Me like summer haunts the autumn
Or sunshine haunts the rain’s relentless falling

He taunted me with the chance
When there wasn’t a chance in this world.
We were the dearly departed, without 
Being morbid, - we were the dead, the emptiness
Drove its soundless nail into our coffin,
A coffin of hopes and dreams and prayers –
And, oh yes – more memories than I could pronounce,
Memories that were devoted to making me sound out
The P A S T -  the passing of the PAST

He taunted me with blood bought and blood sought
Feelings, those that crave the attention of light,
Soft and gentle, feeding the hopes with faith, even though
There is no chance… the betrayal is complete, it’s over

He taunted me with life but I could not breathe!
It was torturous… the fading of light in the eyes,
The familiar hope, unsatisfied… forever words meeting
With forever doubt, forever gone, forever numb
Emptied of the past, I fell beneath the surface of a ending
Where I could only remember the beginning…

Mocking the dead, I lie stiff in my casket of pain
Worried without worrying, remembering without remembering
Shedding all my dreams into faded colors of ebony,
Everything changed to gray and I finally could see the truth
In him, there in his eyes, I could only see a glimpse of me,
The me who had believed and the me who could now see…

In the past, that is where we would forever agree to disagree