Love Poem: African Anthem , Proposed To Be the National Anthem of the African Union

African Anthem , Proposed To Be the National Anthem of the African Union

Africa the Holy garden 
protected by Angels

Africa the Holy garden 
blessed by God,

Africa of pure waters
And more natural resources, 

Africa of more plants 
and arable soil,

Africa of good weather, 
fauna  and flora 

Africa which welcomes 
all the visitors 

"Know yourselves Africans, 
Knowing  yourselves Africans"

The God of the Holy Apostles and prophets 
Put power ,strength and authority in you
To  control the World. 

Written in Swahili by Alfonso Warally Ngengethe Mussabwa Chris
On May 20/2013
Translated in English in March 05 /2023
Proposed to be the national Anthem of African Union