Love Poem: Advent of Healthier Economics
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Advent of Healthier Economics

It's not so much
our cultural value conditioning
that presents a transitional communication problem
about changes of climate
within our Interior
and without
our Exterior

It's more about discontinuous,
internally incommensurable,
cultural values
norms enjoined throughout Earth's fully domesticated human race
toward humane evolution's progress,
whether this progress
be calculated one breath
one day
one season at a time
or using a 5-year SWOT Team analysis,
norms and values discontinous because they raise eisegetical internal
and exegetical external eco-logical issues
of dissonance
about Anthro-hyper-critical fear
and existential anger,
no longer capable of hearing
Earth's more inductively functional ecotherapeutic messages.

For example:
We may feel deep under our skin
that the norm "respect all life"
means not only the aborted embryo
of future's hope for regenerating further life
in that human branch,
but it also means finding compassion for the ballistic asshole
terrorist on the other side
of Earth's eco-culture
raping and slaughtering our children
of all species,
all ecosystems,
natural elements in their normative habitats
of Earth's warm-wombed evolutionary development.

Perhaps more troubling
on a daily in-your-face basis
is our cultural discontinuity
about respecting all humane nature.

End of sentence for our Golden Rule.

Terrorists and abortionists and most certainly polar bears
and turtles
need not apply for humane racing inclusion
by Rule of not-so-golden exclusion.

But, surely we could not mean this end
for our optimally confluent,
co-commensurable compassion?

My co-arising advocacy for each ego-identity's inherent dignity,
co-arising reinvestment value,
begins and ends
with sane rational humane adults
acting like mature adults,
in my corner of this ecosystemic Universe?
No further?
What about my kids with cerebral palsy?
Why not the intrinsic value of a yellow butterfly
on a red apple 
on a breezy early-autumn New England day?

I don't disrespect deer tics or skunks,
why is it OK to disrespect a terrorist?

Is the reverse corollary of our Golden Rule
that it is OK to disrespect mere RNA-inspired creation,
we only choose to love this newer DNA school
of thoroughly domesticated politics
and commodified competitive economic
Win/Lose evolutionary elitism,
despite our humane capacity to comprehend
Earth's RNA-rooted cooperative economic and political intent
to unfold
this Tree of Cooperative Life
feeding off Competitive MonoCultural Death,
as dipolar co-arising purpose,
and orthopraxis of synergetic love
as Win-Win ReGenerations for all Earth Tribes.

If we don't get that this Left-brain deductive blindness
earns us only our Right karma and grace
to try to live with climatic dismay,
struggling against our own discontinuous
and internally combusting/fusing/confusing
view of All Natural Life Matters
to a Health Optimizing Regeneratively Positive
Future HealthWealth Hope and Faith!

If we cannot stand in ecojustice solidarity
with all RNA's co-informing future ego-risks
and eco-opportunities
for cooperatively optimizing Continuous Quality Improvement

then we condemn ourselves to living with human species' consequences,
continuing this evolving pilgrimage 
toward our own internal "cognitive dissonance" voices,
starting to squeal and screech 
our unorthodox ways into our overly Left-brain dominantly
encultured mindbody:

"Hey, DNA,
that ProGenitor God you worship
is RNA's regenerative spacetime 4-dimensional
fractal icon
of form with function!"

Dissing RNA's Life Tribal dignity and rights,
commonly held by all Earth's eco-spaces and places
is like dissing God
or dissing the importance
of this yet not fully born,
still warm-wombed,
embryo of hope in our own future's biological life.

Embryonic biosystems cannot yet speak
with the same mature life-evolving language
as might an aging terrorist,
should one ever live that long,
living outside and beyond terror of death,
explaining why this monster
could not invest in his own positive regenerativity.

Might it be he simply did not evolve sufficient experience
of our Golden Rule applied to him,
gifting him as Me's reverse corollary suggests,
gifting Me as his Earth has love-therapized/endeadened-pathologized him,
regenerated/degenerated him,
synergized/traumatized him
as a sleep deprived ego-entity
surrounded by others of similar demised
incarnation for Earth's own purposes,
as our EcoSoul's Advent
of Healthy/Empty ReGenerativity.

Discontinuous intuition
is not a substitute for exegetical information
it is an eisegetical subset of deductively-confluent information
that is Right brain temporally inductive
as N(NP)/P = YinYin/Yang = Win-Win/Lose-Lose
regenerative balance and proportion and theory
and rhythm frequency
co-arising functional prime relationship 
and reverse-time-memory
tiered binomially Right
as N(NP).

When discontinuous enculturing NP functions
become more climatic,
evolve from chronic dissonance
toward revolutionary consonance
and resonance,
"Please, NOT more NP!" = N(NP) double-negative irrationality,
whether Interior economic
or Exterior political,
then we are Tipping
toward climatic transition
toward a new cooperative Business As Usual
emerging positive form and functions, healthy,
toward respect for all ReGenerative Life,
political and economic systems
and eco-logical LifeSystems,
co-arise Respect and Dignity for Death
of all Life already lost
to AnthroCentric Despair
about the only life that matters
in this embryonic Advent seed,
evolving Love without,
as Life within.