Love Poem: A Slip Into Love
Sara Chansarkar Avatar
Written by: Sara Chansarkar

A Slip Into Love

calm, placid, strong as a rock weakness, emotion never fluttered his face times I wondered if he had a beating heart beneath the impassive solid wall we talked and argued I sailed in emotion broke and crumbled dropped and soaked my pillow he snored all night like the sun, he rose with a smile turned me around to dismiss last night. head splitting, face ashen, lips quivering I told him I could take no more started to pick and pack my part of our newly wedded life his tall broad frame blocked the closet he held my hand,always puny in his looked not at me but the floor and let the salt flow fully clothed, I saw him naked cold out in the open I slipped, gripped and groped but my heels dragged me into the tepid river of love from where I couldn’t swim out ever. Written on 06/20/2016