Love Poem: A Jealous Wind
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Written by: Sotto Poet

A Jealous Wind

Written: August 07, 2023
Their steps took them to the highest peak, Where stars whispered secrets, and moon would speak, They danced in the moonlight, their bodies in sync, Their love takes flight, such as birds on the brink. With each dip and turn, their hearts intertwined, Their love grew stronger, their souls aligned, The dance of hidden dreams and carelessness spells. A mesmerizing spectacle, beyond what words could tell. But alas, their love was not meant to be, For the realm of dreams can be cruel and free. One fateful night, as they danced in the sky, Darkness crept in, a tear in their eye. A jealous wind blew, and negligence was torn, From widdendream, she was cruelly stolen and borne. Nightmare cried out, his heart torn in two, But the wind carried carelessness, his love so true. He chased after her, through the hoddypeak snow, His determination unwavering He searched high and low, refusing to let forego, Through valleys and mountains, his love he would show. But the realm of dreams, a treacherous place, Where fate decides, with a cold embrace, Widdendream's search, a never-ending quest, To find his love, to put his heart at rest.