Love Poem: A Father's Gentle Man -

A Father's Gentle Man -

I am called to stay I stand barefoot touching the grasses walking on top of the dirt; Just a gentle man I stand before the beauty inside me as I'm replenished with love it washes away the hurt; Just a gentleman I stand calling my tinder ears itch below my nostrils The Fragrant a blessing; My inner eye itching I can't see the invisible but the invisible sees me as my hand twitches; Capturing me beautiful Father Embrace in me Your Love But beautiful am I because I am yours fragrance son daughter; Now I come to lift up to be your hope not a bother; Question is what do I have to give Live on not at not at naught Just a wish in mine endeavor Father blessings is My requests are, is May I see with your eyes in her eyes May I be her surprise decree speak life, Always May I pull apart any hurts and broken pieces May I be a gentle present man O' gentleman that I am May I be there when needed May I stay away May I feel the pains you feel, instead of you my dear May I be available in my heart, vessel and soul Father release yourself in me I am your Beautiful May I hold her dreams and visions May I be ear allow me Father to receive, listen and be still May I bless her through all that you it's you May I be a gentle present man O' gentleman that I am May I be a gentle present man O' gentleman that I am Gentle is a man's heart when he flows In Jesus
9/12/23 Written words by James Edward Lee Sr. 2023©