Love Poem: A Divine Tapestry

A Divine Tapestry

In the realm where shadows dance with light,
A beauty veiled in whispers bright.
Inner radiance, a celestial flame,
Her essence, a hymn, untamed.

Within the chambers of the mind's embrace,
Ethereal hues, a captivating grace.
Silent symphonies, a melody profound,
In the heart's gallery, a masterpiece is found.

Beneath the surface of mortal gaze,
A garden blooms in mysterious ways.
Petals of kindness, roots of empathy,
Her soul's beauty, a divine tapestry.

Through the corridors of thoughts profound,
Her spirit weaves, a passion unbound.
Time's fleeting dance, a transient rhyme,
Yet, her hidden beauty transcends the confines.

In the silence where true reflections lie,
A sacred mirror, where virtues sigh.
Beyond the canvas of skin's disguise,
A Letter's portrait, a quintessential piece, never dies.