Love Poem: A Day In the Life
Tom Woody Avatar
Written by: Tom Woody

A Day In the Life

The sun remains hidden behind a blanket of gray on this snowy winter afternoon. It doesn't matter. Gone for now are the playful sailors who dart about Salt Fork lake in better weather. The blackbirds caw from atop the old oaks that inhabit this place, their pleas echoing in the still and silence that surrounds us. Hawks circle high above in hopes of spotting prey, riding thermals like the leaves that softly ride the chilling wind. The cold feels invigorating and lets us know we are fully alive. Love is a celebration to be held during all of the four seasons, the seasons of the years of our lives. Time whooshes by and yet slows to a crawl when we are here, our respite from the storms of life. Today, and every day, we bow to our Maker and give thanks for the snippets of peace that make life tolerable, even enjoyable for a time. We are here. We are alive. We are in love. And the world is a little better place than it was yesterday.

living in the moment
watching the sparrows in peace
time stands still for two