Love Poem: A Unique Eunich By Poefree
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Written by: Jeffry Cohan

A Unique Eunich By Poefree

I said I’m annoyed
I didn’t say I was Freud
Ain’t a doctor on this planet  could figure you out
As you float in a lily scented lake while I drown in a sea of doubt
It would take like three or four Freuds to understand the strings you pull so tightly
And I don’t say this lightly 
Especially when you wear that red nightgown which fits you so tightly
But how do you explain a chick who would run through the park nude?
I mean don’t get me wrong, I’m no prude
But you are a chick I bow at the feet of for you are my deity divine
And if it would help heal your condition to get a new brain I’d give you mine
But that would be like Romeo and, oh what’s her name
When weeping eyes of blue are all I have for you to claim
If the truth be known you started driving me  nuts not long after we met
And how many f****d up things you’ve done I will never forget
You aren’t supposed to steal a pocket book just because it’s there
And allow me to amplify and make that clear
But I think, were I a clinical something or other I’d say your psychologically sick
And if I were attempting to diagnosis you I‘d say, take your freaking pick
So I love you but between us is a chasm that leads to a void
And to reiterate, I said I was annoyed, not  Frued
         © 2011,,,,,Poefree