Love Poem: Across the Floor
Hani Gholami Avatar
Written by: Hani Gholami

Across the Floor

It didn't matter where we were.
Or who we were.
It mattered that our eyes met.
The connection had me in awe.
Couldn't believe the smile back I saw.
It was surreal, beautiful and raw.
Time seemed to stop. 
Quickly, what do I say
But Before I had a chance
The moment faded away
But a Second Thought occurred right away.
Sunshine or rain, darkness follows both.
Light makes us behold, all the glory enriched with gold
If there's no limit to my light.
She'll again be in my sight.
I make my way around.
Suddenly she turned around.
Gently she turned her head to the side and said.
Have i seen you before.
I said no, but I'v seen that rose before.
You see, I grow roses and the one you hold is mine.
I tie ribbons just that way.
And my way's one of a kind.
My guess is you have been on train number twenty-nine.
I have not been out like this all alone,
in a very longtime. 
Promise i will keep myself in line,
I'd be pleasured to get to know you 
over a glass of wine.
She now returns the feeling of awe he once had before
She sat with him, and could not wait to hear more.