Love Poem: A Leap Into Destiny
Samuel Obazee Jr. Avatar
Written by: Samuel Obazee Jr.

A Leap Into Destiny

As I take a leap into my destiny
I find that it is not easy
But with a little help and some motivation
I will make it in the end...

Walking down the street everyday
May seem pretty normal to you
But you never know what will happen today
So what is it that I should do?
I may be scared of certain things
But I mask it
Since I don't want you to know
Because of my reputation...

Why don't you take a leap into your destiny?
I promise you won't be alone
I will help you along the way
Giving you my love every single day
As I take a leap into my destiny
I find that it is not easy
But with a little help and some motivation
I will make it in the end...